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Author Archives: Claudine Phibbs

Diamond Jack Alterie Presentation has been rescheduled

Join us for an enlightening evening as we delve into the captivating narrative of Louis “Diamond Jack” Alterie, a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Join us on Thurs. March 14, 2024 as Archivist, Cecily North-Rudrow from the Douglas County Library sheds light on the enigmatic life of this notorious gangster and cowboy.  The presentation … Continue reading »

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Monthly Presentation: R. Alan Brooks on Nat Love, “A Cowboy’s Life”

Renowned graphic novelist R. Allen Brooks has once again mesmerized readers with his latest work, “Nat Love.” Brooks has crafted a compelling portrayal of the legendary African American cowboy, Nat Love, also known as “Deadwood Dick.”  Join us on April 11, 2024 as Mr. Brooks gives a brief chat about the permanent exhibit that he … Continue reading »

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Monthly Presentation; Douglas Land Conservancy

The Douglas Land Conservancy is an important organization for Douglas County.  They work in partnership with land owners, local government, other conservation organization and citizens to evaluate, accept and monitor conservation easements.  Join us on Wed. Feb. 7, 2024 to hear more about this great organization and how they have saved many ranches from being … Continue reading »

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Monthly Presentation for January 2024: Breeds, Brands and Ranchers

January 11, 2024 7:00pm Philip S. Miller Library, Castle Rock by Larry Schlupp Breeds, Brands and Ranchers of Early Douglas County is a fascinating, educational presentation that addresses the demanding question posed by Clara Peller in the Wendy’s 1984 television commercial, “Where’s the beef?”  This bit of time travel delves into Douglas County’s early beef … Continue reading »

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Fundraiser at the B&B Cafe – Oct. 23rd – Oct. 30th

Please bring this flyer with you to the B&B 

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