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Category: General
CRHSM Monthly Presentation "Land of Enchantment" by Janice Baker

January 12, 2023

Join us on Thurs. Jan. 12, 2023 for a presentation by Janice Baker on the adventures of her grandmother, Marion Sloan Russell, as she traveled on the Santa Fe Trail a mere seven times in the late 1800s.  Marion's diary describing this adventure and how she became friends with Kit Carson has been put into a book entitled: “Land of Enchantment".  Ms. Baker will highlight moments from the book while dressed in period attire.  This event was postponed in November and rescheduled for January.  Refreshments will be served at 6:45pm with the presentation beginning at 7:00pm at the Philip S. Miller Library 100 S. Wilcox St. Castle Rock, CO 80104. For more information check out our website at  or contact the Castle Rock Museum at 303-814-3164,

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